Independent views,
made to connect
near/by film produces short, mid-length and feature films with a focus on experimental documentary and fiction, essay film and artists' films. We are interested in long-term collaborations with artists, filmmakers and organisations, but you can also contact us for advice on project development.
Our projects
This is who we are
The story behind near/by film
near/by film is founded by Manon Bovenkerk in 2018. She has a background in the visual arts and worked as a programmer and producer for artist initiatives, festivals, exhibition spaces and arthouse cinemas. As a creative producer she is actively involved with the conceptual and formal developments of the film projects. Her aim is to support filmmakers using forms of cinema that cross genres and formats, with the objective to develop modes of production that nurture the process of artistic filmmaking.
near/by film produces short, mid-length and feature films als well as installations and exhibitions. The focus is on creative documentary, artists' films and formally exceptional, author-driven fiction, bringing to light underexposed stories and experiences. We strive to connect filmmakers with funds, cinema spaces, festivals and exhibition platforms to build sustainable practices. near/by film provides an environment in which collaboration, shared responsibilities, taking risks and curiosity are fundamental.
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Download the filmography of near/by film
near/by film is a foundation and follows the Code Cutural Governance, the Fair Practice Code and the Code Diversity and Inclusion. The annual report over 2022 can be downloaded here.
members of the board:
Chair: Marc Schmidt
Treasurer: Danielle Meyboom
Secretary: Fleur Botman
Producer: Manon Bovenkerk
telephone: +31 6 18434917
postal adress:
Stichting near/by film
Van Hogendorpstraat 15E
2515 NR Den Haag
Kamer van Koophandel 71298479